Digital imaging of the painted tombs and other parts of the archaeological site has been a key technology for our excavation work at El Kurru.
A full photographic survey of each of the painted tombs was one of the first aims of the team. This record has created a comprehensive visual archive of the tombs for study purposes, dissemination and as a conservation measure. The photographic archive will allow a macro-level comparison of any deterioration or damage in the tombs. It is also necessary for the epigraphic survey (see Epigraphy).
Various techniques have been used to record aspects of the painted tombs, including processing photographs using D-Stretch software, raking light photography, Visually Induced Luminescence (VIL), Ultra-violet photography, Infra-Red photography, 3-D reconstruction and targeted Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI).
The Structure from Motion (SfM) technique has been used in modelling parts of the plateau, including Reisner’s hut. In the 2017 season, we hope to extend the modelling of the plateau, by using drone photography.
For more information, see Reports.